Standard Addons

We have developed customization which are standard or applicable for most of companies and since it is standard we call these as Addons. These Addon adds value to your business by simplifying your work. Some of the Standard Addons are as listed below.

 Email Module

Email Module helps in sending Auto mail to Customers/Vendors at the time of Voucher creation or Alteration , Auto mail is supported for mentioned Voucher types

  • Sales
  • Payment
  • Receipt
  • Sales Order

 Auto Mail of Overdue Bills of Customers

Automation saves lot of time and avoid redundancy and Errors, This module helps to send mail Overdue Invoices of all customers at one click of a button. User can also configure and schedule frequency for sending mail.

 Multi email of Invoices by click of Button

This module is helpful for companies who have monthly Billing of Invoices to Customers, Custom Report helps to mail selected Invoices or all Invoices at one go to customers by click of a Button. Subject and Content of mail is self configurable.

 Auto Generation of Monthly Rental Invoices

This module is helpful for Housing Apartments, Shopping Complex or Co-operative societies where Billing is done once in a month. Instead of re-entering the same Invoices every month , Auto generate Invoices every month at one go using this module in quick time which saves lot of time and Errors.

 Cost Centre-wise Profit & Loss Account

This Add on gives you the Expenses and Income Breakup ledger wise for the Cost centre with Gross & Net Profit, here cost centre may be referred as Segment, Vertical, Branch, Employee, Project.

Update LR Details in Sales Register

This Addon helps you to update LR Details like Transporter Name, Despatch thru, Vehicle Number & LR Number thru Custom LR Report without opening the Sales Entries and thus prevents user from altering the value of Invoice.

Voucher Security Module

As name suggests this Add on helps to define User wise / Voucher type wise Access for creation/alteration/Display/Display & Print of each Voucher type.

Master Authorization Module

Maker creates the Ledger and Checker will go thru the details and then approve the Ledger for enabling it for Voucher Entry, Unless Checker approves the Master same will not appear in the Master table of Voucher for selection. Using this add reduces lot of Errors in voucher entry due to incomplete Master details.

Advanced Voucher Authorization 2 Levels

Voucher Authorisation is based on Maker / Checker concept, Maker will post the Entry and Checker (1st Level Approver) will approve the Entry and till final Approval entry will be in optional mode (ie not posted to books). Final Approver (2nd Level) will check and approves the Entry and same to get posted to books. Any alteration of entry after Approval will prompt for RE-Approval.

  • Provision to select voucher type for which approval is required
  • Provision to select First Level, Final Approver and Alternate Approver

Voucher Trail

Voucher Trail report gives detailed Log of each Voucher like who created/Altered / cancelled with date & time stamp, This report is only visible for Accounts Admin User.

Ledger wise Group wise Access

This Addon helps Accounts Admin to give Access to Users based on their User Profile, ie if User is only handling Only Payables then access can be given for only groups related to payables. User is only allowed to pass voucher entry for Ledgers grouped under Payables. This prevents users from accessing confidential info related to salary or Bank detail or any important accounts info.

Block Ledgers, Items and Cost Centres for Users

This Addon helps Admin to block masters which are unused or duplicated to avoid wrong posting in entry. Only Admin has the access to Block/Unblock the masters. When User selects the blocked Masters in entry , user will be prompted with notification ?contact Accounts Admin? and selected will be blocked.

Auto Reversal JV

This addon helps to fully reverse the Journal Entry by click of a Button, User will select the Journal entry which needs to be reversed and enters the date and clicks on Reverse button for entry to get reversed. Part Reversal is not supported and Reversal is only supported for Journal Transactions.

Control for Credit days & Overdue Bills in Invoice

With help of this Addon you can Control Sales Bills of customers for which Overdue Bills are more than 3.

Display Last 5 selling rate of Item for Party in Sales Invoice

This Addon displays last 5 sold rates for a item of Party so that user can decide on current selling rate. z

Block Deletion, cancellation, Duplication & Insertion of Vouchers Security Level wise

With this Addon Admin can block Deletion, Duplication, Insertion and Cancellation of Vouchers Security level wise which is very much important for GST Return Filing. This Addon helps in preventing mismatch of Voucher numbers due to insertion or deletion of Vouchers.

Salesmen wise Target, Sales, Collection, Outstanding and Profitability

This addon helps to track Sales, Collection and Outstanding details of Salesman along with Target Vs Actual

Option to Tag Salesman to Party with Effective Date

Option to Define Target Salesman wise and Stock Group-wise for Period

Auto fetch of Sales man in Sales, Receipt, Credit & Debit Note Vouchers

Sales man wise Custom Reports for Sales, Collection, Outstanding & Profitability

Enquire, Quotation, Sales Order to Invoice Linking Addon

This addon can be used where company wants to track details of Enquire, Quotations & Sales Order and MIS reports for the same. User can record Enquire Voucher in Tally and link to Quotation. Once Quote is confirmed same can be linked to Sales Order (Customer PO) and finally SO can be linked to Invoice. MIS Reports from Enquire to Final invoice.

Auto backup addon

This addon helps to take the Backup of Tally data when User opens the company, back up will be taken once in a day for one week to the specified path. From Next week same backup will be overwritten.

Document Linking Addon

Using this add on you can link supporting documents for Transactions & masters which will help in Verification & reconciliation of Invoices and masters. Documents can be opened from Day book or Ledger report by selecting the voucher and clicking on Open document button.

Multiple Discount structure in Invoice entry & Print

Provision for specifying Discount Amount & additional Discount percentage apart from default discount percentage in Invoice Entry & Default Invoice Print out. Additional Amount / Percentage can be defined in Item master with effective from date.

Freeze Ledger/Item/Cost centre

This add on will help to block usage of unused or duplicate masters, Provision is given in master for Freeze (block) master which only admin can enable/disable. User cannot select masters which are blocked/freezed in master.

Print your company address & Logo on Top

This add on will be useful for printing Company Name, address ,GSTIN and Logo at the top of Invoice like company letter head. Company Name & address will appear full length which will make Invoice print more presentable.